Thursday, July 24, 2008

Jim has worked so hard this summer. These pictures are actually from last fall. Although this summer he has the projects just about finished. He almost has the fence done. He just needs to put vents in the roof and then it will be complete and he just about has the sprinkler system finished. So that leaves us with 3 major projects all just about done. Jim's pretty determined so my guess is he won't leave any of them unfinished. I hope.

Along with all of our summer projects we had a little fun along the way visiting Jim's grandparents in the Denver area.


Cindy said...

I keep waiting for Jim to come and finish our projects. LOL

Jeffiner said...

Yep, if he gets bored send him over to our house...I could keep him busy...HA HA

A said...

Hey Julie! It's Crystal's sister, Angela. I just wanted to say Hi since I found you on her blog. Cute family!

Jana said...

OK- the reunion was fun! I just wish youd stuck around more... TO GOOD FOR YOUR FAMILY!?! haha.

The Eggleston family said...

Hey Jim, it's about time you get some work done on that place! j/k